Characters in Free Fire are divided based on their abilities. This is broadly divided into two categories: passive and active. Passive abilities work throughout the match, while active abilities have a cooldown time after being used.
While it is common knowledge that active abilities are usually stronger, there are few passive ones that are powerful as well. They are well-suited for usage during ranked matches in-game and will help the user secure a Booyah.
Best passive characters for ranked matches in Free Fire
5) Elite Kelly
Elite Kelly offers two abilities for the price of one. It is called Deadly Velocity and allows the user to deal bonus damage in combat. After a player sprints for four seconds, the ability activates, and the first shot fired does 106% damage.
In addition to the bonus damage, Kelly can also run 6% faster than the other characters. This is useful in combat as players can use the extra speed to outturn opponents or flank attack.
4) Nairi
Nairi's Ice Iron ability has a dual personality in Free Fire. It increases gloo wall durability in combat and allows the user to destroy them faster. When a gloo wall is placed by the user, it can recover 30% of its durability every second. Also, when the user shoots an enemy gloo wall with an AR, 25% extra damage is inflicted.
Players who rely on gloo walls in-game can benefit from this ability. They will be able to fill both offensive and defensive roles in-game. This dual ability will provide a huge tactical edge in combat.
3) Wolfrahh
Wolfrahh's Limelight ability offers two distinct benefits to the user. On the one hand, it provides bonus damage, and on the other, it reduces damage taken. However, there is a catch.
Although the ability is passive in nature, it can only be activated through combat or views. The more kills or viewers the player has, the more benefits they will receive. When either one has been maxed out, players will deal 20% extra damage to an opponent's limbs and take 30% less damage from headshots.
2) Jota
Jota's Sustained Raids is one of the most peculiar abilities in Free Fire. It allows the user to heal through combat and recover large amounts of HP by killing opponents in battle.
Every time an enemy is hit, the user recovers a very small percentage of HP. However, if the opponent has been knocked down or killed, 20% HP is recovered for the user.
1) Laura
Laura's Sharp Shooter ability is one of the simplest in-game, and yet it has so much potential. When a user is scoped in with a weapon, the ability increases accuracy by 35%.
On its own, the ability may not seem like much, but when used in conjunction with certain weapons, players can land headshots with ease. The increase in accuracy is also useful for shooting at targets far away.
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Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions. The abilities mentioned are at their maximum level.
Q. Which ability type is better?

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